Disclaimers/Refund Policy:

Film Creator Pro is a service that provides information based on results that we’ve personally seen. This course was created to help enhance your skill. In no way is this course, products, or services intended or designed to have you start up a business. If you do indeed start a business, you acknowledge that it is without Film Creator Pro soliciting you to do so. Any business started using the knowledge from this course is done by your own will and choice, and does not rely, in any way, on this course.


Film Creator Pro does not guarantee any results but does explicitly state that results are based on your work and skill. This course is showing you what we’ve done to get the results we have. We cannot guarantee or promise that you will get the same results. Any information on this website or in any email or advertisement from Film Creator Pro, LLC or any testimonial are NOT a promise of future or potential earnings. Any reference to earnings, income, or profits are for reference only and are simply based off of our own experience. These numbers should not be considered exact, typical, or potential. These are for reference and illustrative purposes only. Individual results will vary. Any testimonials are for reference and represent hard working individuals and should not be considered typical. This is not a get rich quick method and will take lots of hard work.

Please consult any legal, professional, or financial advice before buying this course. By visiting this site and purchasing any product or service from Film Creator Pro, LLC you’re agreeing to release Film Creator Pro, LLC and its owners from any and all claims of illegality. And further waive any right to pursue litigation for any reason.


If you have any problem with these disclaimers, please don’t buy this product or course.


Lastly, Film Creator Pro does not consider itself to be a post secondary school and provides no educational state credits or degrees, certificates, or accreditation.

Refund Policy:

Anyone who purchases this course is entitled to a full refund upon written notice within 30 days from the purchase date. If a written notice is not received within 30 days, then the person is no longer entitled to a refund.  Please send any refund notice to questions@filmcreatorpro.com.

© 2022 Film Creator Pro